
Friday, October 07, 2005

If you can't sweet talk 'em, scare 'em

As national poll results reflect an ever-increasing disillusionment among the citizenry with the war in Iraq and the President's whole crony-ridden administration, last night's speech was an Orwellian classic. When all else fails, trot out the fear machine, make the linkage with "communism" and the "cold war." Recite the 9/11 mantra. But of course, ignore the fact that this ill-advised unilateral invasion of a Middle-Eastern secular state run by a bestial, murderous but ultimately UNTHREATENING tyrant (who just happens to be sitting on the world's 2nd largest oil reserves) has had one over-arching consequence. It has INCREASED the threat of terrorism in the world, it has INCREASED the influence of bin Laden and his al Qaeda jihadists not only in the Middle East but in Asia and perhaps Europe as well, and has swelled the ranks of willing suicide bombers.

One line stands out in my mind: "They seek to end dissent in every form and to control every aspect of life and to rule the soul itself."


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